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January 07, 2004

Gathering: Januaray 19, 2004

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

The next Edmonton Flash User Group gathering will be held on Monday, January 19 at 7pm at Guru Digital Arts College. We have a couple of great presentations lined up, in addition to the usual beer, refreshments and good company.

Project Management
Presented by Chris Caldwell of Critical Fusion

A look at the people, concepts, and relationships involved in managing successful projects.
This presentation will take a critical look at the mechanics and perceptions of project management. The goal is to establish ideas that can be applied to a project to improve its success. We will also discuss the impact of project management and its relationship to the perceptions and health of the multimedia industry.

Rich Media Development: Process Overview
Presented by: Stefan Morris of Shu Studios

This session will look at the processes and technologies involved in devloping Shu Studios' latest project; The Nokia 3200 Learning Academy. A combination of cartoon illustration, 2D & 3D animation and Flash Interactivity, the Nokia 3200 Learning Academy was developed to provide Nokia's sales agents knowledge about the product using a fun and colorful theme.

A quick reminder that if you're going to buy any Macromedia software to please do it through our affiliate banner, it doesn't cost you a cent, and it puts a little money in our refreshment fund.

Also, don't forget that we have access to free copies of Flash books for review from most publishers. Email me at efug@gskinner.com if you're interested.

Flash In The Can
In other news, Flash in the Can has offered us a 10% discount for conference passes. This conference is a phenomenal place to learn some advanced techniques, meet other Flashers (Canadian and international), and its a LOT of fun (this ain't your father's tech conference). I'll be there drinking beer and doing a talk on Results Oriented ActionScript 2.0 (maybe at the same time). If you're interested in attending, email me at efug@gskinner.com.

Shameless Plug
There are still a few spots left in the "FlashMX 2004 Enterprise-level Development" course I'm running at NAIT starting on Jan 26. This course will take you from grunt to guru in the Flash world, and it is an incredibly good deal at $550 for a 36 hour course. For more info, and registration info, check my blog: http://www.gskinner.com/blog/archives/000048.html

Hope to see you at the gathering. Happy New Year.

Posted by Ryan at January 7, 2004 03:42 PM
