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December 11, 2008

December efug: FitC

'Flash in the Console'
Running Flash content on top-end gaming consoles via Scaleform GFx.

Scaleform GFx is a third-party standalone SWF player that enables developers to author UI elements for cutting-edge PC & console games in Adobe Flash. Many AAA game titles use Scaleform technology to author 2D UI elements (menus, huds, target reticules, etc.) in Flash (using a subset of AS2), and map their swfs as interactive textures onto 3D objects in the game environment.

gskinner.com was approached by Scaleform to develop a component set and workflow enhancement tools for GFx customers, and will be sharing their progress, process and findings to the local community on December 15th, @ 7:00, in the Billiard Club on Whyte Ave.

We will be joined by Troy Dunniway and Mathew Doyle from Scaleform's Washington headquarters to give us a look under the hood of Scaleform technology. gskinner.com will be showcasing an overview of the Scaleform component set, workflow enhancement tools and demonstrations.

As usual, we'll be sporting the happy-hour drink prices, the five-buck apps, the swag draw giveaways and the free billiards after the sess. Anyone is welcome, this is going to be a fantastic session you don't want to miss.

Bring your friends and colleagues - hope to see you there!


I also wanted to extend thanks to Owen & Oscar for posting follow-up content for their presentations last month on our Adobe Groups page. Be sure to log into Adobe Groups with your Adobe ID and join the efug group for the latest info in the local and international Flash scene. Additionally, I've added info about our various sponsors and what offerings they have to efug members.

Posted by Michael at December 11, 2008 03:03 PM


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