Interfacepublic interface IGTweenPlugin
ImplementorsAutoHidePlugin, BlurPlugin, ColorAdjustPlugin, CurrentFramePlugin, MotionBlurPlugin, SmartRotationPlugin, SnappingPlugin, SoundTransformPlugin

Defines the interface for GTween plugins. GTween does not use this interface internally (for better portability of the class), but it is recommended that plugin developers implement this interface in their plugins so that if changes are made to the interface, compile time errors will be generated for plugins that have not been updated.

Generally, plugins should also expose a static .install() method which registers an instance of the plugin using GTween.registerPlugin(). The easiest way to learn how to develop plugins is to look at the sample plugins. SnappingPlugin and AutoHidePlugin provide simple examples, whereas ColorAdjustPlugin provides a more advanced example.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
init(tween:GTween, name:String, value:Number):Number
This method will be called from the GTween init method when it is determining the initial values for a property.
tween(tween:GTween, name:String, value:Number, initValue:Number, rangeValue:Number, ratio:Number, end:Boolean):Number
This method will be called from a GTween instance when it is rendering a new position value, and is tweening a property that this plugin is registered for.
Method detail
public function init(tween:GTween, name:String, value:Number):Number

This method will be called from the GTween init method when it is determining the initial values for a property. A plugin's init method should return the initial value of the specified property (often by just returning the value parameter without modifying it) or NaN to indicate that an initial value should not be set.

tween:GTween — The tween this plugin is being applied to.
name:String — The name of the property being tweened.
value:Number — The current init value that will be applied to the specified property.

public function tween(tween:GTween, name:String, value:Number, initValue:Number, rangeValue:Number, ratio:Number, end:Boolean):Number

This method will be called from a GTween instance when it is rendering a new position value, and is tweening a property that this plugin is registered for. The plugin can affect the target directly, or it can modify and return the value parameter which will then be set on the target.

GTween will call the tween method of each plugin registered for the property, passing in the current calculated value for the property in the tween. Each plugin has the opportunity to return a modified value property, which will then be passed to subsequent plugins and ultimately set on the target, or it can return NaN to indicate that the value should not be set on the target by GTween (ex. because it has already been handled fully by the plugin).

For example, a value snapping plugin could simply round the value parameter and return it, whereas a blur plugin could work on the target's filters directly and return NaN to prevent GTween from attempting to set a nonexistent blur property on the target.

tween:GTween — The tween this plugin is being applied to.
name:String — The name of the property being tweened.
value:Number — The current value that will be applied to the specified property of the target. This is normally equal to initValue+rangeValueatio, unless it has been modified by a prior plugin.
initValue:Number — The init value for the specified property.
rangeValue:Number — The range between the initValue and end value for the property.
ratio:Number — The current eased ratio of the tween. This is usually between 0-1.
end:Boolean — This will be true if the tween is at its end (ie. will call the complete event handler at the end of this tick).
